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Ultra Water Proof EX4010-Water proofing with fiber

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Ultra Roong EX 4100 is composed of high quality acrylic emulsion polymer, light fast & weather durable pigments, properly selected & graded ne llers, many additives & water as a medium. It is used as a waterproong & protective coating for exterior walls of the buildings because it forms higher lm thickness, has excellent exibility, breathing properties, water resistance, crack-bridging ability, weathering durability and an excellent resistance to the growth of microorganisms.

All types of exterior masonry surfaces, concrete, cements and renderings, etc.
Applicable on asbestos sheets.

Features & Benefits
Film thickness – Higher film thickness provides resistance to the movements of structures, gives crack bridging ability & water proofing properties.
Flexibility – Flexible and covers hairline cracks (up to 0.5 mm) effectively so that no ingress of water.
Toughness – Tough films withstands wind driven rain. Elasticity – High elasticity easily withstands stress caused by thermal expansion & contraction
(>100% elongation at 110-120 micron DFT).
Ready to use – No dilution is required hence ensures desired film thickness built-up without affecting the performance.
Microbial resistance – Resistance to fungus and algae hence maintains the aesthetic value.
UV resistant – Resistance to UV (Sun light) hence coating has longer life.
Dirt pick up – Very low dirt pick up & can be cleaned easily hence maintains the aesthetics.
Breathability – Permeable to water vapour.
Ease of application – User friendly, easily applicable by brush, roller or spray.
Toxicity – It is Non-toxic

All new cement-sand renderings /concrete surfaces should be allowed to age 6 to 8 weeks before surface coating
Surface for treatment must be thoroughly cleaned of all laitance, loose material, oil, grease, etc. by mechanical means such as wire brushing & shot blasting .

Finally vacuum cleaning of all loose solids and liquids can be done, if required.
All surface cracks up to 5 mm width should be filled up with
………. or ………. Cracks more than 5 mm
and all separation gaps should be filled up with ……….. or …………. mortar or as specified.
Prime the surface with ………………….. diluted with potable water by volume in 2:1 ratio (2 parts primer and 1
part water) and allow it to dry for 2 to 3 hours
Use Ultra Proof Leak Proof solution EX 4000 directly from the container. Stir contents well before use.
Apply two neat coats of Ultra Proof Leak Proof solution EX 4000 t without dilution by brush or roller at a time
interval of 5-6 hours.
For enhanced protection, apply additional coat of Raincoat on rain lashing walls, chajjas and parapet walls.
Allow the coated surface to air cure fully for 7 days.
Precautions & Limitations
Do not dilute Ultra Proof Leak Proof solution EX 4000. Recommended to be primed with ………………….. only.
Do not apply when ambient temperature is below 10 C or above 45



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